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Published supply and demand information into the form of network marketing companies favored
AddTime£º2011-1-22Hits£º914  ¡¾Font£ºBig Middle Small¡¿

"Business is recognized in the form of network marketing, network marketing form, most companies prefer a site construction and supply and demand information dissemination. In assessing the effect, the firm believes that the best supply and demand information release. " held in April 17 Eighth China International Electronic Commerce Conference, million made net Xiangdong, President and CEO discussed above.

 Last year, million network plans to launch a new B2B e-commerce web site to buy wheat, and gave accurate market research. Photo from the above conclusion that the round of survey data. Zhang Xiangdong believes that now more and more SMEs know how to use network marketing to acquire new customers. "More and more SMEs to learn to use e-commerce, Internet marketing and other ways to achieve their goal. we feel that e-commerce to marketing and management, from helping companies improve efficiency, thereby enhancing its market competitiveness. "

 Million for small and medium enterprises of up to thousands of users said that due to financial, manpower restrictions, they generally lack the marketing power, can be said that small and medium best suited to play by leveraging e-commerce sites. B2B e-commerce site of interaction between enterprises established information exchange platform to enable enterprises in the procurement and sales activities can save time, reduce costs, while maximizing opportunities for increased corporate marketing.

 Zhang that "network operators"concept should be expanded. "network operators"should be composed of two parts, one is transformed by the Internet users from engaging in transactions, and the other is the traditional business use of Internet tools for business. "The two are now part of the population constitute the network operators. an increasing number of network operators, service between the object form. We think that these are the main activities of e-commerce and Internet-related service providers in key service targets. " He believes that a business as long as want two things: one is looking for more customers, and the other is how to continuously improve business process efficiency and become more competitive. "These two points are needed to help e-commerce. " network joined the B2B e-commerce to buy wheat market, it was seen that broad-based e-commerce market.

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